Thursday 28 October 2010

Newly discovered snub nosed monkey that sneezes in the rain

A new species of monkey has been discovered in Northern research on this animal (the snub nosed monkey) is said to sneeze in the rain. Thought the species is new to scientists , locals say that probably the easiest time to find the monkey is when its raining. They say this is because of the monkeys upturned nose they get rain water in it which causes them to sneeze. However the monkey's have developed coping techniques such as, during rainy days the sit with their heads tucked in between their knees.

According to some local observers and hunters the monkey's mainly spend their time in high altitudes in mixed temperate forests during the months May and October (summer) and during the winter the monkey's usually descend closer to the villages because when the snowfall comes it makes the food scarce.

This newly discovered species of snub nosed monkeys are found in different parts of China and Vietnam. In this area almost all species are considered to be endangered. So now because of this new discovery of the snub nosed monkey the area's where the monkey is found is now being invaded by the building of logging roads where they will now be invading areas that were previously isolated.


"Newly Discovered Snub-nosed Monkey Sneezes in the Rain." Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. 27 Oct. 2010. Web. 28 Oct. 2010. .

Thursday 7 October 2010

For the First Time, Monkeys Recognize Themselves in the Mirror, Indicating Self-Awareness

Can you imagine growing up not knowing what you look like? Imagine all the ways that this could affect your life. Well that’s how it is for monkey’s, monkey’s will usually look at themselves in a mirror or see their reflection in a water bowl or something and think that it was a different/ apposing monkey! But now scientists are having chimpanzees and people pass a “mark” test where they will recognize their reflection and it has been found that they will make funny faces, and see a temporary mark that has been placed on their faces by scientists which will cause them to think, “How did I get so old and grey?”

The way that the “Mark” test works is that a mark will be placed on the animal’s face that you can only see in the mirror. Once the animal will touch the mark on its face its said to become self aware meaning that it no longer believes that it’s another apposing animal in its reflection.

From the “mark” test scientists (after 40 years of this experiment) have finally came to the conclusion that few but some species are self aware and will recognize the boundaries between themselves and the physical world surrounding them. The chimpanzee always passes the test because (scientists assume) that sense they are humans closest relatives they are more likely to pass the test than other/most primate species which will fail. However there are some exceptions such as the Rhesus Macaque Monkey that normally fails the “mark” test will still recognize them-selves in the mirror and will perform actions that scientists will expect of animals that are self aware.

To conclude the previous data on self-awareness this new discovery has undermined the idea that only humans can realize that it’s them in the mirror which is now what other primates such as chimpanzees are now learning to do. Scientists also think that in different situations this might also show up by using different tests.