Sunday 12 September 2010

Animal Survival

In the movie Survival we learn't how different animals survive in the wilderness. For example; a fox will play dead to hunt its food so it plays dead then when birds gather around it, it waits and then jumps up and turns the tables (the fox eats the birds.) Of course to do this the fox has to require good senses. so while surviving a fox uses his senses.

Some other types of animals hunt and when they do this they use communication, perseverance deceit (fox) camouflage (snow owl/ stick bug) also being in packs and groups which makes them look bigger and more intimidating.

How young are born is also important in survival (3 ways of bearing young) Live - Mammal - Besides platupus or pouch - marsipial and/or egg - reptiles - also a platypus even though its not a mammal.

Click the following link to view the animal survival video that i found.

Strategies for animal survival Volume II (2)

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