Wednesday 29 September 2010

Reflection Guest Speaker

  • Why do animals migrate? (What is occurring within their environment that triggers this response?)
During winter not all animals can live/survive/adapt to such a cold climate therefore they will usually migrate to warmer waters and then return in the summer. However some species do stay all year round and do not migrate.
  • When do most large animals reproduce? What does it depend on?
During spring so in Summer their young can feed and develop requirements for survival during winter.
  • What adaptations did the animals exhibit in the polar region? (For example: body shape, appendages, wing span, food, coloration, stream-lined bodies, teeth, beaks, blubber, fur, group formations, hooks on tentacles, etc...)
Lots of the seals had a lot of blubber in order to keep warm, the Krill ate so much algae that they started to turn green.
  • How do they ensure survival of their species? (Feeding, reproduction-production rates/birth rates/death risks, growth, etc...
For birds and other animals if they have 2 young only 1 (the stronger 1) is likely to survive the parent will pick the stronger one and look after it basically letting the weaker die.
  • How did this presentation provide examples of what we have been studying?
We have been studying the adaptions and habitats of different animals seeing and hearing about real life observations and the way a habitat looks from someone who has actually lived among animals in the habitat is very useful in understanding.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Emily!
    I completely forgot about how if some animals have 2 or more kids, they'll abandon/kill the weaker one in order to ensure the stronger one's survival!
