Tuesday 1 March 2011

Earthquake Safety Plan (DROP COVER AND HOLD!)

After drawing a sketch up of the downstairs area of my house i realized how dangerous the area is! All together the downstairs of my house has; 9 windows, 3 unsecured tables, 3 unsecured couches, 6 glass doors, 15 unsecured pictures, 6 unsecured book shelves, and a fridge that rolls easily on wheels! As you can see my house would definitely not be the best place to be in an earthquake.
There's not much you can do about the windows and glass doors (unless you changed the type of door and got rid of all the windows.) You could secure the tables and couches. However i think that we would need steadier tables due the fact that they are pretty old so they wouldn't hold that much weight if something fell on it so i wouldn't classify them as earthquake safe either. In the library you could secure the bookshelves to the wall using brackets. I also think that having a fridge that isn't on wheels would be a good idea because while in my kitchen my fridge could roll around and crush you!By doing these few things my house would be safer. Because then you can stand in a doorway without the glass breaking on/around you, and you can hide under a stabilized and secured table.

What to put in an earthquake safety kit:
1. Enough water to last you a week
2. Enough food to last you a week
3. A first aid kit
4. A water purifier
5. Flash light
6. Emergency Cash
7. Identification card
8. Way to contact others (radio, phone etc...)
7. Sturdy shoes
8. Emergency contact list
(The contact list and identification card are for if you are injured and taken into a hospital the medics have a way to tell family members you are hurt and they have a way to know who you are.

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