Sunday 9 October 2011

Current Events: After Mass Extinction Reefs Recover Faster the Previously Predicted!

Metzoan reefs went extinct 252 million years ago and today we discovered that it took them 1.5 million years to recover, less time the earlier predicted by scientists. Harsh living conditions are what caused such fluctuations in the carbon content and sea levels as well as oxygen deficiency caused the largest mass extinction of all time towards the end of the Permian era. Whats so amazing about this is that scientists always had predicted that it would take Earth 5 million years to recover rather that in 1.5 million! The reason this happened is the conditions of the environment went back to normal the reefs began continue grow again. This happened because the Metazoan oranisms in the reefs played a secondarty role in the reefs up until that time. This is how Hugo Bucher describes it "This shows that, after the extinction of dominant reef creators, metazoan were able to form reef ecosystems much sooner than was previously thought."

Here are the fossils that Scientists found for the reefs.

1 comment:

  1. You did a good job of paraphrasing the information, but remember that you also need the reflection paragraph, the link to the article, the author, the date it was written.
