Sunday 16 October 2011

Silly Putty Experiment

In class the other day we made silly putty out of Borax water, and glue. What we did is we took about 2 table spoons of glue and mixed it in a plastic cup with a little bit of water, then we added a couple drops of borax and mixed it until it began to stick together and become gooey.
No whats the Science behind this? What happens is when you mix the glue with borax and water it produces a material called polymer, which is a long chain of molecules. Lots of natural as well as synthetic polymers will react in the same way to things like this. I found a interesting way to describe polymers online and the site said that they are a bit like cooked spaghetti :) .
this is what it said "When a pile of freshly cooked spaghetti comes out of the hot water and into the bowl, the strands flow like a liquid from the pan to the bowl. This is because the spaghetti strands are slippery and slide over one another. "

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