In this video the bromine and alcohol begin to turn a reddish orange color and starts spreading toxic fumes.
In this video it appears to have the same affect as the lithium and water, but rather than causing a spinning fire a quick burst of sparks looking like fire works goes off.
In this video the exact same thing happens as in the Lithium video. If it hadn't told me that it was different elements i would think it was the same reaction.
This video was pretty cool. I had no idea how potassium and sodium could react so violently when put together in water. I had no idea how many things reacted with water i found this to be one of the more interesting videos.
Wow! this is toilet cleaner i had no idea how toxic the toxins we are using really are! Well all i have to say is dont drop tin foil in the toilet right after its been cleaned :) .
I don't think that his video was on your website but i saw it and i thought it was amazing so I;m going to share it! Im not quite sure how this reaction works but i can see the reaction, also with such a reaction going on was it safe for he person to jump into the swimming pool.
What do we put in gummy bears to make them react this way!!!!!????? Wow this is kind of scary.
Great thoughts Emily. I like how you connected the reactions together with your own thoughts and questions.