Monday 21 November 2011

The World Needs More Toilets!!!

Did you know; that almost 40% of the worlds population doesn't have access to a toilet? This makes up to be about 2.6 billion people without a toilet.  What doesn't help is that the wordls population is fast increasing! What funny is technology is appearing to be more important that sanitation. For example, in Tanzania 50% of the country has mobile phones but only 24% use a proper sanitation facility. Also seeing as these people dont have toilets to use they are urinating in public areas thus realeasing thousands of peces and urine in to rivers, lakes, lanfills, oceans, and causing health hazards. And we dont need this, already everyday around 4,000 children die from sanitation related illnesses.What doens't help reduction of these deseases is that only 15% of domestic waste in developing countries is given any type of treatment before being released into the environment. 
There may however be a solution to this problem, waterless composting toilets are an ultra green inexpensive way to provide toilets to developing countries, even placing/building one of these in an outhouse I'm sure would make a big difference. Where i used to live they had one of these (i had my own toilets at my house of course) but these were not uncommen in villages. I have used it and they are a great quite sanitary toilet room.
So i would completely agree with this, WE NEED MORE TOILETS in developing countries. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Isn't that amazing that people would prefer having a cell phone over having sanitation? That is really scary and I'm glad you added so many interesting facts from the article.
